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Becoming a champion

I would like to start this blog by saying how hugely honoured I am to have been chosen by Ordnance Survey to be one of their GetOutside champions for 2017.

The #GetOutside campaign is all about promoting an active lifestyle and inspiring people to Get Outside more, it is really that simple.

I shall let Ben Fogle explain a little bit more…

Government statistics show that as a nation we are not exercising enough. The NHS is facing health issues of epidemic proportion due to our inactivity! As an adult we should be aiming to get 150 of exercise a week…..That is just over 20 mins a day! Exercise is defined as anything that increases your heart rate, exertion that increases blood flow. What could you do for 20 minutes a day?

A worrying statistic that I did not know until the campaign launch is that children today spend an average of six hours a day in front of a screen! Just think about that for a minute….

That is six hours of sitting on a chair/sofa/bed staring at a screen….Six hours of inactivity.

As a result of this, for the first time ever, experts claim that todays generation of children will live on average five years less than their parents……As a parent myself I find that incredibly worrying

Please take a moment to watch this short video

When I watched this video what struck me was the innocence of the children. They cannot see the problems that lie ahead. It is our responsibility as adults to change their ways before it is too late.

I don’t want this blog to be all doom and gloom, like I said at the start I am so proud to be part of this.

The campaign is driven around having fun. A tagline that I loved at the launch is this

“Getting outside does not mean you have to brave the wilds of Scotland in winter, climb Everest, or run the length of Britain. Maybe you will just take a walk, cycle to work or camp under the stars?”

I was not sure what to expect when I went down to Southampton for the launch event last month. I was nervous about meeting so many inspirational people…I didn’t need to be, within fifteen minutes I felt I had known them for years!

GetOutside Champion 2017

The common thread between each and every one of us is our passion for the outdoors. That is why Ordnance Survey chose us. We inspire getting outdoors via social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram (and twitter again in my case)

Have a  look at their profiles, the things they have done, the things they have planned, and lastly give them a follow on their social media pages.

I cannot wait to play my small part in this huge campaign. I will be taking part in testing new kit that Ordnance Survey will be putting on the market. I have already had fun using their new mapping software OS Maps….Take a look here >

I will be documenting my adventures on their website and sharing my blogs with them. It is going to be a very exciting 12 months for me, but I will not forget the important underlying message that I must help transmit.

Please feel free to get in touch with me if you want to get involved, or you would like me to share a challenging activity you are taking part in. The more people who #GetOutside the better chance we have of inspiring both young and old to take the first step to becoming more active!

The Get Outside campaign is monitored through the #GetOutside hashtag. Search for it on Instagram and twitter to see what the OS champions have got going on. Contact them, contact me….Get involved, but more importantly…..#GetOutside

Thank you for taking the time to read this short blog. I will be back shortly sharing my solo adventures, and the fun filled Lake Buddies outings 🙂



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